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I do not like
The number five -

The way its
Top is set in a rigid

Ninety degree angle
That I could so easily

Stub a toe on
Or ram my head into.

How it curves itself
Into that swooping

Bottom, rocking like a
Baby’s bright blue bassinet-

Back and forth,
Back and forth.

As though it does
Not quite know who

It wants to be:
A strict legalist

With the hard lines of
A four or seven?

Or a loose

Like the infinite
Curves of an eight?

We find it at
The Center of the

Building blocks of
Our mathematical system.

Is it the great diplomat?
Dancing on middle

Ground, or
Passively indecisive?

I stumble over it with
My pencil like I am

Fumbling for,
My keys.

It forces patience and space for

Does this number
Have any meaning to

Begin with?
What about me?

What do these scribbles
Really signify?

I should stop writing
That number.